
OSHA Training Renewal at Smith McDonald
Our Safety Guarantee: At Smith McDonald, we believe in the value of a safety guarantee our customers can trust. A safe working environment is essential to the successful operation of our business. We take the time to fully support our employees during their…

Smith McDonald Is Your Premier Office Products and Desk Accessories Provider
Experts in Our Industry: With decades of experience as a fine craft manufacturer of office products and accessories, the team at Smith McDonald are experts in our industry. We have the capability to partner with individuals and high quality dealer networks to provide…

5 Products to Encourage Employees to Return to the Office
Create An Inviting & Productive Office Environment: COVID forced many employers to greatly reduce or even eliminate employee presence in communal office space. Since COVID restrictions have gone out of effect, employers are excited to bring their employees back to…

3 Reasons to Partner with a Professional Office Designer
Professional office design is about more than just comfortable chairs and coordinating colors. Whether you sell custom computer parts, orthotic shoes, or financial advisory services, creating a clean, organized, and professional work…

Office Accessory Manufacturing Equipment Options to Reduce Cost
Budget Friendly Desk Accessory Options: With the increase of remote work and hybrid schedule jobs, more professionals need a resource to provide high quality, customized desk accessories that won’t break the bank. Smith McDonald is a premier manufacturer of fine desk…

Why a Leather Desk Pad Is Right for You
Leather Desk Pads: In today’s modern world, most of us spend a good amount of our working and leisure hours using a computer of some sort. Whether it is for business, school work, or gaming, the hours add up and that means increased wear and tear on your work surface…

Smith Metal Arts and McDonald Products: A Match Made in Heaven
Smith McDonald is the combination of two competing companies that realized they could better serve their customers together, rather than apart. Although Smith Metal Arts and McDonald Products are still…

4 Custom Work From Home Gift Ideas for the Holidays
The COVID pandemic brought many changes to our normal working environments. Thankfully, businesses are slowly getting back to “normal,” but one change that has stayed around is remote, hybrid schedule, and work from home employees. The holidays are right around the...

Products You Need for a Hybrid Work Schedule
In the aftermath of COVID shutdowns and seemingly mandatory work from home policies, some businesses are slowly starting to integrate hybrid work from home and office work schedules for their employees. If you’re finding yourself caught up in this process, you need to...

Work From Home Works: 6 Products to Make Home Your Best Work Environment Yet
Now more than ever, employers and employees alike are investing in products and services that aid in sustaining and improving a work-from-home lifestyle. When the coronavirus pandemic came to a head in the early spring of 2020, many were rocked with the startling...